一般項目 (General Services) |
價格 (Charges) |
A/B區小鼠代養費 (Feeding Cage in Area A/B) |
15元/籠/天 (NT 15/cage/day) |
C區小鼠代養費 (Feeding Cage in Area C) |
10元/籠/天 (NT 10/cage/day) |
使用者著袍及耗材費 (Consumables) |
100元/次/人 (NT 100/times/person) |
動物用氣體麻醉機 (Animal Gas Anesthesia Machine) |
100元/天 (NT 100/day) |
3D小動物活體影像系統, 自行操作 (In Vivo Imaging System, IVIS Operated by Yourself) |
800元/小時 (NT 800/hr) |
日夜週期代謝籠 (Metabolic Cage about Day and Night Cycle) |
面議 (Negotiable) |
租賃實驗室 (Rental Lab) |
1,250元/坪 |
委託實驗代工 (需先簽訂簡易契約) (Experimental OEM Project;A simple contract needs to be signed up first) |
價格 (Charges) |
3D小動物活體影像系統, 代為操作 (In Vivo Imaging System, IVIS Operated by Us) |
1,000元/時 (NT 1,000/hr) |
尾靜脈注射 (Lateral Teil Veins Injection, IV) |
50元/隻 (NT 50/mouse) |
腹腔注射 (Intraperitoneal Injection, IP) |
17元/隻 (NT 17/mouse) |
皮下注射 (Subcutaneous Injection, SC) |
17元/隻 (NT 17/mouse) |
管餵 (Oral Gavage, PO) |
22元/隻 (NT 22/mouse) |
小鼠解剖取器官或組織 (Organ or Tissue Dissection) |
面議 (Negotiable) |
代為動物安樂死費用 (Animal Euthanasia by Us) |
面議 (Negotiable) |