步驟 1 - 請使用者詳閱附件之合約內容並詳細填妥附件(須要老師簽名),親自遞交設施。
步驟 2 - 詳細收費項目,可見「本官網 - 公用動物設施簡介 - 服務收費項目」,連結如下:
步驟 3 - 若有實驗代操細節需要提前討論,可隨時致電本設施專案研究人員吳曉林小姐諮詢(kiya@gate.sinica.edu.tw、分機101)。
步驟 4 - 合約遞交後,須經由雙方(實驗室老師 及 管理師)都簽名並回傳雙方後,才視為生效。
步驟 5 - 【重要!!!】在您IACUC的計畫內該實驗的項目,需要以增補案註明: 「使用AS Core專責實驗代操作的-專案研究人員吳曉林服務」並獲IACUC通過才行。
一、Please click on the attachment to download:
Step 1 - Users are requested to review the contract of the attachment carefully and fills it in completely (P.I.'s signature is required) and submits it to the AS Core in person.
Step 2 - For detailed Service Charges, please see "This official website - About AS Core - Service charges", link as follows:
Step 3 - If the details of the Experimental OEM Project need to be discussed in advance, you can contact Ms. Wu, Hsiao-Lin (kiya@gate.sinica.edu.tw, extension 101) for consultation at any time.
Step 4 - After submission, the contract must be signed by both parties (Lab P.I. and AS Core I.O.) and sent back to both parties before the contract is deemed effective.
Step 5 - [Important!!!] The experimental content in your IACUC needs to be marked "Operated By AS Core Experimental OEM Project - Ms. Wu, Hsiao-Lin" and must be approved by IACUC.
#Note: If the experiment performed before the contract takes effect, the cost or disputes incurred will not be recognized by AS Core.