目前僅開放每月第二週、第四週之星期(三)下午2:00起 或 星期(四)整天時段,本設施視報名情況安排並寄信回復您。(PS.每月的1日起,算第一週)
請各位於預約時間準時於生醫所後棟十樓-N1001的公用動物設施門口等待。因入室需洗手及穿隔離衣,請穿短袖上衣褲裝,並避免穿絲襪較為方便 ,
To use the AS core animal facility, users should pass the both online lecture and training course. Please complete the online course first.
Please make a reservation for training course at 14:00 on Wed., or the all daytime on Thur., in every 2 weeks, AScore will arrange the training course and notify you based on the reservation status.
Be sure to bring your I.D. card and please fill in the attachment file, have P.I. signature then bring it to us. After the training course, we will get entry and exit access of the animal room for you.
Please wait at the door of AS core - N1001, 10th floor of back building, IBMS for your appointment. Since you need to wash hands and wear an isolation clothes, it’s more convenient to wear short-sleeved clothes and avoid stockings.
If you have any questions, please feel free to make a phone call or E-mail, thank you!
【Note】After the following events occur, please do not enter the animal room within 1 days:
a. Entering other animal rooms. (Campus in Academia Sinica is included).
b. Operating any rodent experiment in the lab or another animal room.
c. Touching any rodent (including pet).
d. Not following the order of entering area A→B→C.
If any of the above fact has happened, please inform AS core in advance by E-mail or phone, so that we could re-arrange your another convenient time.