代收對象:僅限公用動物設施的使用者-僅代收動物,「 並非」入室申請
Object: Users in AScore ONLY. And it's "not" for animal import application.
1. 於動物送達七個工作天前,詳細填寫線上申請表並成功提交。Please submit the collection service form to AScore 7 days before animals arrive.
2. 申請單上請留下動物送達當天可確實聯絡到申請人之電話。Make sure to write down the phone number of contact person that we can get through on the arrival day.
3. 動物送達後,工作人員確認為代收動物後,會將動物置於生醫所後棟10F貨梯進入本設施後之推車上,請盡快前往領取。Arrived animals will be placed on the cart inside the AScore. PLEASE PICK UP ANIMALS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
4. 公用動物設施僅提供代收暫放服務,不進行任何處理,若動物開箱後有任何健康狀況疑慮由使用者自行負責。AScore only provides collection service; The health status of animals is your own responsibility.