運輸籠預約(Reservation for Transport Cage)

  1. 請於需要借用運輸籠的三個工作天前提出申請。Please submit your borrowing application at least three working days before.
  2. AScore會於接獲借用申請後,在運輸籠上標示借用人姓名,並放置於其指定的動物房內。After receiving your application, AScore will prepare and mark your name on the transport cages and place it in the designated animal room.
  3. 請於借用後3個工作天內將運輸籠歸還給公用動物設施,歸還地點為「生醫所後棟10樓 公用動物設施 B區動物房外之髒籠回收區」After use, please return the transport cages to AScore within three working days to the following location: “Dirty cages recycle area, area B, 10F, New building, IBMS.”
  4. 未依規定日程歸還又未事先告知原因者,將列入違規記點項目。Those who don’t return the transport cages in time (without any formal inform), will be considered a violation.


假日及國定假日不提供借用喔!請填寫上班日期。 Not available on weekend or national holidays, please fill in the working date!
選擇需要借用運輸籠的時間。 Select the time you need to borrow for transport cages.
若選擇其它,請於備註欄說明,謝謝。 If choose others, please write down in the comment, thank you.
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